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Divina 3D imaging for breast augmentations

5 July, 2019

Divina 3D imaging for breast augmentations

A patient who has decided to have a breast augmentation surgery has many questions in her mind. When she comes to the clinic there are many different issues to be covered, but the most frequent question is size.  Many inefficient methods have been used in the past: before and after pictures, stuffing bras with old breast implants or other fillers or looking for some one whom she wants to look like. These show not to be very good in selecting the appropriate breast implant for the patient.

In order to achieve an optimal aesthetic result it is necessary to put the right amount of material in the existing skin envelope of the breast. This is done by measuring the breast size and skin envelope characteristics. Also to choose a breast implant from the variety of implants and also high quality.  With this information an experienced board certified plastic surgeon is capable to provide the patient with the best choice.

Even though this consultation process works very well it is very important that the patient is able to participate in the process and most important that she is able to visualize what the surgeon is recommending. 

The Divina is a 3D-Imaging system form the Motiva breast implant company. Divina not only helps the surgeon in the measuring process, but helps the patient visualizing her present characteristics. Through a sophisticated input of information of the different implants available and a simulation of a possible result. This helps the patient to visualize better her selection of implant and her possible result yielding a more satisfactory surgery.

Dr Oscar Suarez has the very first Divina 3D imaging system in Costa Rica at his clinic at Hospital CIMA, San José.

Dr Oscar Suarez has many years experience of helping national and international patients with plastic surgeries including breast augmentations, as well as non-invasive procedures such as Coolsculpting.


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