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Compare Prices of Dental & Medical Procedures

Dental Procedures

The latest figures show Costa Rica is up to 75% better priced for a variety of Dental Care Treatments.

Average cost of procedure

United States Costa Rica % Saving
Single dental crown $ 1200 $ 470 61%
Root canal, post & crown $ 3100 $ 780 75%
Dental implant & crown $ 4200 $ 1570 63%

Source: MediTourDirect, October 2014

Medical Procedures

The latest figures show Costa Rica is up to 86% better priced for a variety of Medical Procedures.

Major Procedures: Compare Prices

Procedure United States Costa Rica Cost Saving Cost Saving %
IVF     $12,400 $4,800 $7,600 61%
Heart Bypass  $ 123,000  $ 27,000  $ 96,000  78%
Angioplasty  $ 28,200  $ 13,800  $ 14,400  51%
Heart Valve Replacement  $ 170,000  $ 30,000  $ 140,000  82%
Hip Replacement  $ 40,364  $ 13,600  $ 26,764  66%
Hip Resurfacing  $ 28,000  $ 13,200  $ 14,800  53%
Knee Replacement  $ 35,000  $ 12,500  $ 22,500  64%
Spinal Fusion  $ 110,000  $ 15,700  $ 94,300  86%
Dental Implant  $ 2,500  $ 800  $ 1,700  68%
Lap Band  $14,000  $9,450  $4,550  33%
Gastric Sleeve $16,000  $11,500  $5,000  30%
Gastric Bypass $25,000  $12,900  $12,100  48%
Hysterectomy $15,400  $6,900  $8,500  55%
Breast Implants $6,400  $3,500  $2,900  45%
Rhinoplasty $6,500  $3,800  $2,700  42%
Face Lift $11,000  $4,500  $6,500  59%
Liposuction $5,500 $2,800  $2,700 49%
Tummy Tuck $8,000 $5,000  $3,000 38%
Lasik (both eyes) $4,000 $2,400  $1,600 40%
Cornea (per eye) $17,500 $9,800 $7,700 44%
Cataract Surgery (per eye) $3,500 $1,700 $1,800 51%


Prices are approximate and not actual prices and do not include airfare travel or lodging costs for patient and companion.  Prices will vary based upon many factors including hospital, doctor’s experience, accreditation, currency exchange rates and more. All figures are in US dollars.

Source: Medical Tourism Association – Medical Tourism Destinations & Costs, 2019

Compare Prices Medical Procedures


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