UROCARE is a medical service focused on the area of Urology, whose consultation helps to promote preservation & quality of life in its patients. We also offer a comprehensive service covering a wide range of areas in Sexology, including non-surgical cases with recommedations for behavioural & time-focused therapies amongst other options.
Our approach includes a careful assessment of the cognitative, behavioural, functional & organic deficiencies of each member of the couple, providing references for appropriate management of the relationship.
Urology & Sexology
Year Opened
Number of doctors
Accreditations & Affiliations
Active Member of
CAU American Confederation of Urology
ACCU Costa Rican Association of Urology Surgery
EAU European Association of Urology
AUA American Urological Association
ISSM International Society for Sexual Medicine
2010 University of Medical Sciences – Doctor of Medicine & Surgery
2017 University of Costa Rica – Postgraduate in Medical Specialty of Urology
2021-2022 ISEP Barcelona – Masters in Clinical Sexology & Couples Therapy
Closest airports
Juan Santamaria, San José SJO

These are the geocoordinates. Simply copy these numbers, enter them in Waze and you are good to go: 10.0042534, -84.2142872