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Quality Providers

US & Canadian Accredited Quality providers in Costa Rica

US & Canadian Accredited Quality providers in Costa Rica

Medical Tourism Costa Rica .com focuses on connecting you with quality providers of medical tourism services in Costa Rica. This ensures we are a valuable resource for not only individuals but also corporates, insurance companies, and facilitators seeking medical and health services in Costa Rica. We focus on medical and health providers whose facilities hold a US or Canadian accreditation or who work in such an accredited facility. Finding and listing quality providers of medical tourism in Costa Rica is a long and considered process, which we do not take lightly. We do not simply list any medical or health provider who wishes to be included, rather we visit with them, assess their facilities, check their accreditations with the relevant US or Canadian Accreditation organisation, check their specialty with the College of Dental Surgeons or College of Doctors & Surgeons in Costa Rica, and consider their experience of attending medical tourists. For all providers, we ensure that their level of service and level of English is of a high standard in order to welcome and converse freely with medical travellers to Costa Rica.

US and Canadian Accredited Facilities

Throughout our website, we focus on medical and health providers with US and Canadian accreditations. In order to gain these accreditations, the facility must reach the standards required by the US or Canadian Accreditation body, accrediting their facilities and care to be equal to that of a facility in the US or Canada. The accreditation body regularly visits the Costa Rican facility and awards the accreditation when the standards are originally met or when they are reviewed every 2 or 3 years. Here is an overview of the accreditations currently granted to providers in Costa Rica.

US Accreditations

JCI – Joint Commission International Costa Rica currently has 2 international hospitals with the JCI accreditation, one of which is currently listed in our Hospitals & Clinics section.

AAAASF – American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities Costa Rica currently has 18 Ambulatory Surgery facilities accredited by the AAAASF, many of which are included in our Dentistry,  Doctors and Hospitals & Clinics categories

AAAHC (now Acreditas) – Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, Inc Costa Rica currently has 5 health care facilities, accredited by AAAHC, some of which are included in our Dentists category.

Canadian Accreditations

Accreditation Canada International

Costa Rica is in the initial stages of some clinics becoming accredited with Accreditation Canada International.

Costa Rican Accreditations

Costa Rica also has local accreditations which you may consider in selecting your medical tourism providers in Costa Rica and which are included in our listing information on each provider where applicable.

PROMED – The Council for Promotion of Medicine in Costa Rica.

ICT – Costa Rica Tourism Board

Canatur – Costa Rican National Tourism Chamber

College of Dental Surgeons & College of Doctors & Surgeons in Costa Rica – “Verified”

Connecting you with Quality Providers in Costa Rica

Connecting you with Quality Providers in Costa Rica

Information on titles and affiliations are supplied by the provider and not independently checked by Medical Tourism Costa Rica.com.   However, every dentist or doctor licensed to practice medicine in Costa Rica, must be registered with the Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas or Colegio de Medicos y Cirujanos in Costa Rica. If they have a medical speciality, this must also be registered.

Rather than verify every title and affiliation of very dentist or doctor we list, we verify their licence to practice in Costa Rica and their Speciality (if appropriate) with the relevant College and state “Verified”on their listing information. (These Colleges will already have verified the titles of the professionals involved in order to allow them to practice in Costa Rica.)

At Medical Tourism Costa Rica. com, we perform an annual update on this information, so if you wish to check the latest available information, please click on the links below and enter the name of the dentist or doctor you wish to verify.

College of Dental Surgeons of Costa Rica

College of Doctors & Surgeons of Costa Rica

Feedback on our providers from previous medical tourists to Costa Rica

Your Feedback helps future health travellers to Costa Rica

Your Feedback helps future health travellers to Costa Rica

Research shows that users value testimonies from other medical tourists when making decisions about their own healthcare. This is why we have included a patient/client feedback section for each of our medical tourism providers. As we are a new directory and in order to start the ball rolling and to provide valuable information for our users, the first 3 references are supplied by the provider from their own records and with their permission. As we receive more feedback from more patients/clients using Medical Tourism Costa Rica. com, we add these to the reviews. We value all your feedback on using our Directory or feedback of your experiences with our medical tourism providers. This will help future medical tourists to Costa Rica, so please add a review to the provider you have visited, giving your feedback. For general feedback on our Directory and services contact us.


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